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              Service case
              People oriented, team spirit, performance concept, pursuit of excellence

              Case four: Overhaul for HTC Made Powered Turbine in 1 Million ton/ year Ethylene Machine Set of SINOPEC SABIC TianJin Petrochemical Co., Ltd

                   HTM  has  conducted  an  overhaul  of  SINOPEC SABIC TianJin Petrochemical Co., Ltd (shorted as SABIC TianJin )steam turbine which drives 1 million tons/year ethylene compressor in ethylene plant. SABIC TianJin is one of the world's largest refinery companies. The steam turbine has operating for many years and existed many problems, such as the probe electrification, temperature probe wire wear, steam seal pipe breakage, etc. As the aurthoried service company of original manufacturer, our team provideed the most reliable support for the overhaul of the unit, and met the requirements of the users. Our team involves service engineers and professional technicians with rich experience in inspection and maintenance. They work in accordance with HTC maintenance standard and steam turbine installation requirement.       


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